In Lagos, Nigeria, the YMCA/YWCA Week of Prayer Fellowship was a week-long programme that included: Interdenominational Service; Exposition on theme; Visitation to the Orphanage; Bible Quiz (using the YMCA Bible Reading Guide) and Youth Variety (Drama, Songs etc). I am writing on the Exposition on the theme which the title “Be the Change”.

It took place at the Hall of All Saints Anglican Church Ikosi-Ketu, Lagos dated 12th November 2013 where we had students from some Secondary Schools in Lagos, the guest speaker was Prof. Timothy Gbenga Nubi, a lecturer from the University of Lagos.

He spoke about the deteriorating state of the nation and the YWCA Hostel meant for girls that are new in Lagos and have no where to stay. He further explained that the Bible is a base for change and Christians should bring about change, “everyone thinks of changing the world and themselves” the question now is “how can you change the world without changing yourselves”? From his lectures, he highlighted what great people said about change:

“Some changes look negative on the surface but you will soon realise that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge” by Eckhart Tolle.

“And that is how change happens, one gesture, one person, one moment at a time” by Libra Bray.

“We are taught that you must blame your father, your sisters, your brothers, the school, the teacher but never blame yourself… it’s always your fault because if you wanted to change you’re the one who has got to change” by Katherine Hepburn.

“I alone cannot change the world but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples” by Mother Teressa.

All these quotes are important and they are attributed according to their passion.

What is your Passion? You don’t have to change the world, just change one thing! What do you believe needs to change? There is a saying “whatever your hands findeth doing, do it well”; another one says pertaining to the Christian “The great tragedy of the Church is not that rich Christians don’t care about the poor it is that the rich Christians don’t know the poor”. Can you change one thing or the world without building relationships with people? Absolutely Not.

The hindrances one faces are Doubt, Failure, Fears and Greed. If we can overcome all these, then we are a step ahead.

According to Prof. Gbenga Nubi, the following are building materials for change:

1. Desire: We all have different desires and probably gifts. We have the gifts of the Head (Education), Heart (Care) and Hand (Handiwork). We need to be complete in all these areas to make a change.

2. Faith: this is when you build your courage, the ability to move on irrespective of whatever chaos exists. In the society, believe in what you have passion for even though it might seem difficult.

3. Study: Expand your scope of learning; aspire more; don’t be an ‘lsland’. Another quote says “Study to show yourself approve, a workman that need not to be ashamed rightly dividing the work of truth”.

4. Courage: There are five senses which are Vision, Hearing, Smell, Taste and Touch but there is one that is of great importance which is the sixth senses “Creative Imagination”, the power of the mind that brings courage. How effectively do you conceptualise your world?

5. Hardwork: Laziness won’t lead you anywhere, procrastination produces laziness. So, you need to be hardworking. Long-suffering is also effective here.

6. Power of Right Thinking: Let’s think rightly, a pessimistic person can’t achieve much in life. Guard your mind with good thoughts, negative thinking should in fact, be an aberration.

7. Power of Focus: Be focused, concentrate on what you like best i.e. your passion. If you are into so many things then you are master of none because all will be half done. Remain focused on your vision and you shall excel.

8. Persistence: This is continuing to do something despite difficulty or opposition. People can hardly stand opposition. Meanwhile, when this arise it is not the end of the road, it is the ability to be dogged, we should learn this fast.

9. Power of Sex: This brings about spiritual inspiration, mind stimulus, love, music, suffering, fear, friendship, burning desire etc. It is encouraged among the married, the intimacy helps for togetherness. When there is sincerity between those involved, it works so much for uplifting of both in their areas of passion.

It was a very interesting time for everyone present at the exposition. I urge people to be the Change they want to see; just as ‘Our Creed’ (S2C Ambassadors) declares.

Lolade Areogun, S2C Ambassador, Nigeria YMCA